The best (and really, for all intents and purposes the ONLY) guide to Curling for us non-Canadians.... I used it while taking a Curling class here was great fun, it had all the information I would ever need, and it helped me keep up with the lingo and rules without looking like a total homer....
As a new curler, this book was a perfect companion to actually playing. It had everything you need to learn the sport. A must read if you want to curl.
The book is great as a stand alone, or as a backup for those of us who have embarked on our curling careers already, and need a little extra help remembering all the phrases, shots, rules, etc. It also gives some background and history on alot of the aspects of curling, which help you better understand the sport as a whole. Anyone who thinks curling is easy needs to sit down and read the book and sign up for a class. There's...
I'm one of the few people I know who has the entire "For Dummies" library, ranging from auto repair to gastro-intestinal surgery. CURLING FOR DUMMIES is a welcome addition to the set, especially since the popularity of the sport has skyrocketed in recent years due to winter olympic coverage. Whether you intend to start your own local curling team, or whether you're simply interested in following the Canadian league with...
A great book for beginners. Covers all the basics very well. Not only does it discuss how-to and strategy but also talks about watching games on TV and attending bonspiels. It is also a very smooth read.