An intrepid young woman stalks a murderer through turn-of-the-century Chicago in "this rich, spooky, and atmospheric thriller that will appeal to fans of Henry Darger and Erik Larson alike" (Sarah McCarry). In the sweltering summer of 1915, Pin, the fourteen-year-old...
An intrepid young woman stalks a murderer through turn-of-the-century Chicago in "this rich, spooky, and atmospheric thriller that will appeal to fans of Henry Darger and Erik Larson alike" (Sarah McCarry). In the sweltering summer of 1915, Pin, the fourteen-year-old...
An intrepid young woman stalks a murderer through turn-of-the-century Chicago in this rich, spooky, and atmospheric thriller that will appeal to fans of Henry Darger and Erik Larson alike. (Sarah McCarry)In the sweltering summer of 1915, Pin, the fourteen-year-old daughter...
An intrepid young woman stalks a murderer through turn-of-the-century Chicago in this rich, spooky, and atmospheric thriller that will appeal to fans of Henry Darger and Erik Larson alike. (Sarah McCarry)In the sweltering summer of 1915, Pin, the fourteen-year-old daughter...