I thouroughly enjoyed this book. Princess Michael's writing style is chatty and open, and she chose five interesting women to study. It's a great "beach read" for lovers of biographies, history or even royal gossip.
Finally! A book for all of us who love those trashy historical romances! At least, those of us who love the historical parts. I found this book extremely well-researched as well as an easy read. Powerful men and the women who love them are always fascinating and Princess Micheal of Kent does a fantastic job in giving us those juicy details to keep your attention focused and your eyebrows raised, as well as enlightening...
This book was great. I have always had an interest in history and this gives you a different view on how the world was run hundreds of years ago. Through the Kings paramours. I have read this book and liked it so much I am going to get her other book.