Book exactly as described and arrived in a very timely manner. Would do business with them again. Great experience!
For 25 years I have used this marvelous "little" book. To begin with, let's address the two charges against it: for and from a Chrsitian perspective, and its length. It's stated intent is neither to be exhaustive nor to be anything other than a critique and guide for Christians. Enough of that. On to its blessed features. It is a quick look at the cults and world religions at the time it was written, which we must understand...
The time is ripe for this book. I bought it years ago and continually refer to it because of two strentghs: its concise discussion of a cult/world religion's beliefs; second, a suggestion for a Christian witness and response.For longer discussion, see editions of Walter Martin's "The Kingdom of the Cults."This is what it will do for you also, so find a copy.
In order to understand the minefield which we tread daily, please read this book. the evils that surround us, cleverly disguised, and given many appealing names are described in this book. the world as GOD tells us is EVIL. He said do not live in the world and take part in the ways of the world. What he meant is do not get absorbed in the evils of society. because many people do not know the underlying motives of the...
This book is an updated version of Cults, World Religions, and You, published thirteen years ealier. It is a good overview about the beliefs of the world's major religions, compared and contrasted with Christianity. Written from the Christian viewpoint, this book is a helpful aid for understanding the basic tenets of belief shared by those of various faiths around the globe. The chapters are fairly short and readable. ...