Here it is, Machiavelli's work in its sinister glory for all to behold. The truth of man's corruption and dishonesty is exposed for all the world to see. The wise Florentine is not to be blamed and scandalised for lifting the veil on the cesspool of politics, religion and royalty. No, he is to be congratulated for summarising the dastardly deeds committed by Popes, Princes, Kings and Emperors. Without Machiavelli to set...
Lessons from Machiavelli 1)He who hesitates as a ruler is lost 2) Mercenary armies are never to be trusted. To rule securely one must have a defense force made of one's own people. 3) Christian virtue is the opposite of political wisdom. 4) A government of one type, whether it be monarchy, oligarchy, or democracy will become corrupt. 'Mixed government is good government.' 5) A ruler must be ruthless with his enemies...
We all learned about him in elementary school: some author in the early Renaissance who wrote a book on governing that included such phrases as "the end justifies the means" and "it is better to be feared than love." From that education, one would think this is a man who would adore such leaders as Hitler who used their political prowess to get to the top. After purchasing and reading this collection, however, I have come...
In the course of my political science training, I studied at great length the modern idea of realpolitik. In that study I came to realise that it was somewhat incomplete, without the companionship of 'The Prince', by Niccolo Machiavelli, a Florentine governmental official in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. 'The Prince' is an oft quoted, oft mis-quoted work, used as the philosophical underpinning for much...
Aside from being a concise collection of Machiavelli's important political works, this volume serves another great purpose - it shows you a side of Machiavelli never seen before by publishing the HILARIOUS letters to his brother. The letter to his brother about his encounter with a prostitute is absolutely hysterical. This volume provides selections which show you both sides of Machiavelli - the serious political scientist...