Creativity is everywhere and everyone is creative.
Our brains and bodies are built to make and innovate, and that instinct is as old as humanity itself. Starting when we're babies, we draw, tell stories, invent, dance, perform, make music, among dozens of other creative acts. Did you know that our ancestors were weaving 12,000 years ago and using pigment to make paintings 17,000 years ago? Today, creativity is all around us, in public and private spaces and places all over the world. From graffiti and flash mobs to music class and TV screens, Creatively Human encourages young readers to look at the world with a creative eye. Explore the origins and impact of ideas and inventions, arts and technology, and learn about the developments and advances that change and improve the lives of everyone. It's time to recognize and celebrate how everyone--including you--contributes to our world in so many creative ways
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