I read this book around early summer after hearing about it on a financial webcast I stumbled accross. Thank heavens I did. I read the author's explanations of what has happened and what will and I have to say that it makes sense to me. I had macroeconomics 25 years ago and barely paid attention but after reading this it all came back to me. Schiff doesn't just preach gloom and doom. He lays out a good case for his predictions...
I enjoyed this book even though I was previously aware of its economic arguments and suggestions for portfolio allocations. Mr. Schiff is passionate and sincere and that tone comes across in the book. For that, thank the excellent John Downes who has co-written several other good business books. Many other reveiwers here discuss the contents of the book so I won't go there. I worked as a bullion dealer in the 1970's so...
I thought I had already done a review on this book but I don't see it as I scroll down, so here goes. I have been reading several books by the "sound money" faction of economists, and I find this book to be a fine contribution. The one point he made that was brand new to me was the assertion that the United States is not serving as a means for China to bootstrap its way to prosperity, but, rather, is an albatross around...
For the past two years I have been aghast at the insanity of the American economy, as exemplified by the "housing bubble". Time after time the "experts" have said "there is nothing to worry about", "we have bottomed", "this won't spread", but they have been wrong, time and time again. What would you expect Ben Bernanke or Hank Paulson to say, "We think it's time to RUN! RUN!". No, they just keep trying to pretend everything...
Peter Schiff, son of American patriot Irwin Schiff, has written a very useful book that can not only assist you to take the concrete steps necessary for financial survival, but also change your individual psychology toward the storm on the horizon that is rapidly gathering strength. Today, we have the illusion of prosperity, and the sooner we break through that delusional state, the sooner we can prepare for darker days. ...