The book "" Cousin Maude "" has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been...
Cousin Maude is a novel written by Mary J. Holmes. The story revolves around a young woman named Ruth, who is orphaned and must live with her wealthy cousin, Maude. Ruth soon discovers that Maude is manipulative and cruel, and begins to suspect that her cousin is trying to harm...
A captivating tale set in 19th-century America, "Cousin Maude" with the aid of Mary J. Holmes is a must-read. Holmes become one of the excellent American writers of her time, and this book, which is about love, own family, and social expectations, suggests how true a storyteller...
Cousin Maude is a novel written by Mary J. Holmes. The book tells the story of a young woman named Kate, who is forced to leave her home and move in with her wealthy cousin, Maude. Kate is initially excited about the prospect of living with Maude, but soon discovers that her...
"Cousin Maude" from Mary Jane Holmes. Bestselling and prolific American author (1825-1907).
Reproduction of the original: Cousin Maude by Mary J. Holmes
Reproduction of the original: Cousin Maude by Mary J. Holmes
Book Excerpt: ne of Dr. Kennedy's reputed wealth.Janet had seen that everything was done for the comfort of the travelers, and then out behind the smokehouse had scolded herself soundly for crying, when she ought to appear brave, and encourage her young mistress. Not the slightest...