I've been updating my copy of this book since the second edition, and it is still the best book around for explaining the Java programming language to beginners in a classroom environment where there is an instructor to fill in the details. The book also succeeds at updating veterans on new features of the language and is a very excellent reference. Chapter two is great for customizing your programming environment, since there...
I was a bit reluctant to buying the book, principally because I had bought many Java books already with very little success. After reading all the reviews for its new edition and the previous edition I was even more confused, specially when you read very positive reviews and a few practically destroying the book, so you really don't know what to expect. Anyways I finally made the decision to buy it and all I can say is that...
My department is changing from teaching C++ to Java in the intro CS courses. I have been learning Java over the past few years and have amassed quite a large library of Java texts and references. As with other areas of CS, in which I accumulate many texts, I find that I eventually gravitate toward a select few, key, references. With C++, it was the Lippman text. For Java, I frequently find myself returning to Core Java,...
I am a Java instructor, and I can tell you - I spent a LOT of time looking for a decent introductory book to Java that didn't assume the reader (a) already knew C++, (b) was an idiot, or (c) was clairvoyant. This is simply the best and most thorough introduction to the Java programming language I've found, with practical examples, and intriguing commentary on what is good and bad about the Java language. Easy to read. The...
I learned JAVA with the 2 CORE JAVA books (1 & 2)The reader form PA who rated it a 1 star book is nuts.>First off, does it have to be so fat? I don't think so. I am tired of the bloated technical books. Our time is too valuable. <p>Its comprehensive, well written, full of examples, and actually FUN to read. Very rare for a technical work.<p>>Second, the examples are bad and explanations are horrible. <p>No the examples...