I've read this book at least a dozen times since I purchased it, and it only gets better with each rereading. Bramson provides an amazingly easy-to-read yet useful strategy for coping (primarily in the workplace) with difficult people. Rather than attempt to give advice on assertiveness training for the reader, Bramson instead encourages the reader to more carefully observe the situation and analyze the difficult person's...
Usually I don't like books of this sort because I find them simplistic. Admittedly this book is written for a general audience, but the author still makes an effort (and succeeds, in my opinion) in distinguishing between people who fit in to one of his types and people who can be difficult at times, but don't quite fit in a specific category. I never had the feeling of "oh, that could be anyone." And the techniques he gave...
Coping with Difficult People is an amazingly useful book. Difficult people are all around you, even when you're alone: Most people don't realise just how difficult and unconstructive they can be! This book gives helps you identify difficult behaviour, and how to get around it.WHAT THIS BOOK GIVES YOUDifficult behaviour is not all that difficult to identify. That is, unless you're in the middle of a confrontation and you're...
I found this book (audiotape)to be an excellent and very practical manual on how to handle both difficult people in everyday situations as well as everyday people in difficult situations. What is really good about this book is that it gives the exact sentences, words, and phrases to use in various situations. It provides an actual script for what needs to be said when coping with difficult people.