Sencilla, clara y esperanzadora, la magn?fica reedici?n de la segunda parte de Conversaciones con Dios Neale Donald Walsch no se consideraba una persona especial o espiritualmente dotada. Se trataba s?lo de un hombre frustrado que un buen d?a se sent? con papel...
How to deal with twenty-first century challenges, individually and globally. The Conversations with God books are among the most popular spirituality books published in the past 50 years. They have sold millions of copies in over two dozen languages around...
Libro acerca de la literatura hispana y latinoamericana que deber contribuir al desarrollo de la cultura general de toda la poblaci n hispanohablante. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Neale Donald Walsch isn't claiming to be the Messiah of a new religion, just a frustrated man who sat down...