Successfully used by thousands of students at hundreds of schools, Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony represents a tested, concise approach to the tonal harmony textbook. The text introduces all the topics typically covered in the undergraduate theory sequence--fundamentals, diatonic and chromatic harmony, form, and post-tonal theory--but the focus is on carefully annotated notated musical examples rather than lengthy prose explanations of rules and exceptions, and engaging online tools help students build skills. This is a text your students will be able to read and comprehend, freeing up class time for enriching discussions and activities.
Burstein and Straus--both experienced classroom teachers--illustrate concepts using a repertoire of music from a diverse range of composers in the Western tradition. The Third Edition increases the diversity of the selections with new pieces by J. Rosamond Johnson, Eva Jessye, Tania L on, and more historically marginalized composers. Additionally, you can more easily incorporate jazz and popular music into your course with new teaching resources and worksheets on jazz and popular music topics.