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Canning & Preserving Cooking Cooking Education & Reference Holiday Cooking ReferenceThis was a great book for someone like myself who is not a law student or lawyer. It lays out the basic sense of the church teachings on the most important issues of the day. And that's what the Natural Law is all about: what makes sense. Highly recommended.
This book systematically adresses the natural law and develops a framework for applying it based on the centrality of Christ and the Church Magesterium. A must read for law students interested in learning about what the law ought to be, and why our legal system based on positivism is inadequate. Great book!
This is by far the best books I've ever read on the subject of the natural law. The Q & A format is very well suited to the subject and he asks all of the right questions to the point that you can anticipate them -- it really flows smoothly. I highly recommend the book for religious-minded law students who want an alternative to the prevailing modern law theories where God is absent from the discourse. Charles Rice does a...
Charles E. Rice demonstrates his capability as a legal scholar in this great treatment of natural law. Not only is this book filled with great information on traditional natural law thinkers such as Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, it is full of contemporary legal examples that concretize the discussion and bring natural law out of the abstract realm into our everyday lives.
I am a student in Professor Charles Rice's Jurisprudence class at the University of Notre Dame Law School.Prof. Rice's book is a great intro to the natural law. The concepts are immediately appealing in their simplicity and wisdom. His short text left me deeply inspired- I highly recommend!