"Steve Martini has written a wonderfully crafted and clever courtroom thriller. We unquestionably have a new literary lion in the fictional crime genre." -Vincent Bugliosi "In the tradition of great courtroom dramas, Steve Martini's Compelling Evidence is a taut, tense tale that...
"Steve Martini has written a wonderfully crafted and clever courtroom thriller. We unquestionably have a new literary lion in the fictional crime genre." --Vincent Bugliosi "In the tradition of great courtroom dramas, Steve Martini's Compelling Evidence is a taut, tense tale...
"Steve Martini has written a wonderfully crafted and clever courtroom thriller. We unquestionably have a new literary lion in the fictional crime genre." -Vincent Bugliosi "In the tradition of great courtroom dramas, Steve Martini's Compelling Evidence is a taut, tense tale that...
"Steve Martini has written a wonderfully crafted and clever courtroom thriller. We unquestionably have a new literary lion in the fictional crime genre." -Vincent Bugliosi "In the tradition of great courtroom dramas, Steve Martini's Compelling Evidence is a taut, tense tale that...