Star of the hit Partridge family, Cassidy saturated the bubblegum market in the early 70's, even as his own personal tastes ran more towards hard rock and the counterculture (like many baby boomers then) Reportedly, he was getting more fan mail than the rest of the show combined and selling out more concerts than the Beatles. The meteoric rise to fame was accompanied by a string of personal issues that were not considered...
...then you have to buy this book. It tells you about the REAL David Cassidy, not the made up image portrayed on the Partridge family. I used to be his "#1 fan" when I was a kid so never in a million years did I guess what the real David was like. I'm so proud of him for telling us all the truth about his life and feelings. This was a very good book. He was honest, and the book was extremely interesting. There are...
I thought this book was wonderful.It took me less than ten hours to read It ansererd a lot of qustions I never knew about David Cassidy. This book is about how he found himself in the end I'm Glad he's is back in the spotlight better than ever. And happy with himself
I recently received the book as a birthday present - purchased through Ebay. I couldn't put it down. It included details and specific examples and incidents, it was honest and above all INTERESTING. I have more respect for Cassidy's acting now, knowing how different his own personality was from that of Keith Partridge. I can't stand actors who always play themselves. I didn't see the book as bragging as one reviewer...
Sure, David Cassidy had an active sex life. After all, it was the 70s, he was the biggest teen idol of the entire decade, and he was the star of an incredibly popular TV show. But what some reviewers seem to miss is that his personal life was incredibly compromised by his stardom...considering his lifestyle, it really didn't seem possible for him to have a "meaningful relationship" with anybody. This book shows how he survived...