Bon Temps's psychic waitress takes a dangerous road trip in the third novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Sookie Stackhouse series--the inspiration for the HBO(R) original series True Blood. There's only one vampire Sookie Stackhouse...
Sookie's boyfriend has been very distant-in another state, distant. Now she's off to Mississippi to mingle with the underworld at Club Dead-a little haunt where the vampire elite go to chill out. But when she finally finds Bill caught in an act of betrayal she's not sure whether...
Sookie's boyfriend has been very distant-in another state, distant. Now she's off to Mississippi to mingle with the underworld at Club Dead-a little haunt where the vampire elite go to chill out. But when she finally finds Bill--caught in an act of betrayal--she's not sure whether...
There's only one vampire that cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse is involved with (at least voluntarily) and it's Bill Compton. But when she catches him in a serious act of betrayal, she's not sure whether to save him-or sharpen some stakes. Watch a Video
Seducir o ser seducido? Morder... o ser mordido?
Charlaine Harris ha creado en esta serie unas novelas adictivas, divertidas y que han marcado un antes y un despu?s en el mundo del romance paranormal. No querr?s perderte un solo p?rrafo... ...
Sookie's boyfriend has been very distant-in another state, distant. Now she's off to Mississippi to mingle with the underworld at Club Dead-a little haunt where the vampire elite go to chill out. But when she finally finds Bill--caught in an act of betrayal--she's not sure whether...
Tankel seren Sookies vampyrk reste, Bill, forsvinder under mystiske omst ndigheder. Da Bills leder, Eric, beder Sookie om hj lp til at finde Bill, tr der hun derfor til med det samme. Men snart finder Sookie ud af mere om Bill, end hun havde regnet med ... -
Bon Temps's psychic waitress takes a dangerous road trip in the third novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Sookie Stackhouse series... ? There's only one vampire Sookie Stackhouse is involved with (at least voluntarily) and it's Bill Compton. But recently he's been a little...