This will make your day! ? A richly illustrated retrospective celebrating the life and films of Clint Eastwood-written by renowned film critic, and acclaimed documentary filmmaker, Richard Schickel and with an introduction by the legend himself. ? Clint Eastwood is a Hollywood-and...
From the moment he achieved stardom over 30 years ago in the 'spaghetti westerns' of Sergio Leone, Clint Eastwood has remained private. His is a unique career informed by personal and professional values rare in modern Hollywood.
A tribute to the legendary career of a Hollywood icon nonpareil, this retrospective examines Clint Eastwood s work both in front of and behind the camera. From "A Fistful of Dollars" and "Unforgiven" to "Letters from Iwo Jima" and "Invictus," the book gathers hundreds of images...