Great military SF. Not just action, but logistics too. Adds significant US Navy participants for the first time. A realization for Terrans on the big picture moves the series plot forward. Great characters inflicted by all the good and bad of warfare.
Really enjoyed the attention to detail and character devolepment,and The tactics and logistics presented in an easy to understand form. the graphic battle scenes are not for the faint of heart. very interesting developement of ai personalites with the battleships ai,s. I would say this book is second only to watch on the rhine in readability I jones
I'd been getting a little tired of endless Posleen waves acting like Posleen (though not too badly) until this gem came along in this generally excellent series. (Cally's war seems not to have been repeated, at least!) Things seemed to being starting samo samo, then back plot actions with the "Mad" PDA came into focus along with the native Panamanian defense force leadership, and this one turned into a page turner. I'm not...
Yellow Eyes (2007) is a standalone novel in the Legacy of the Aldenata universe, following Watch on the Rhine in the Posleen War subseries. This volume takes place in Columbia and Panama, with most of the action taking place within Panama. The Po'oslenana'ar -- the People of the Ships -- were fleeing from others of their kind in a time of orna'adar. The lesser clans crowded into a globe, each occupying their own area. ...
John Ringo and Tom Kratman are among the writers Baen has added to my must-buy list over the past few years, and this, their second joint tale of the Posleen War, is the best yet. There's a difficult dramatic problem with the Posleen: you can't hate them. As another reviewer here commented, they, too, are victims of the Aldenata. And with their nature twisted into their genes by the "galactic do-gooders", they are a force...