Great Book, Being seasonal it is filled with ideas for the holidays, Thanks! Lovely photos, very easy to read instructions for recipes and crafts!
Martha Stewart does it right!! We joke and smile when it comes to Martha...AND we have to admit once we buy one of her products, she does it right every time...this book is an excellent example with ideas and patterns for crafting with papers..
This is a great book if you are looking for some holiday ideas. Buy it or check it out of the library early (right after Thanksgiving, if not before) because you'll want some time to plan some of these projects. Martha Stewart is always full of great ideas and this book has one great idea after another. This has decorating, gifts, food, just about everything. Some are more practical than others and many can be simplified...
The photographs in this book are absolutely stunning. You could set it on your coffee table for guests to look through, and even if they don't know a Meyer lemon from a tangelo, they'll take great pleasure in looking through this book (they'll learn something, too). Everything is lovingly laid out, photographed and eloquently described. Buy the hardcover edition, because you'll want to keep it for a long time.
Martha's Holiday book this really touched my heart. My mom has always grown Amaryllis and Christmas Cactus, chapters 4 & 5 really were a delightful surprise. I now know the Christmas Cactus the I have is called "White Christmas". When I told my mom about the charts, she was so interested in the book (she lives in Ohio and we live in Fl.) that I am immediately sending her one for Christmas. My son is a personal chef - so...
Holiday shopping guides are everywhere, so why should you read mine? Because I'm a college student. Which means I'm broke. Which means I'm basically a gift-giving magician. So here's your guide to the holiday season – on a very, very tight budget.