""Chased Through Norway: Or Two Million Dollars Missing"" is a thrilling adventure novel written by James Otis and first published in 1899. The story follows the journey of two American boys, Jack and Joe, who are sent to Norway to retrieve two million dollars that were stolen...
""Chased Through Norway: Or Two Million Dollars Missing"" is a thrilling novel written by James Otis and published in 1899. The story follows the adventures of two young men, Jack and Frank, who set out on a journey to Norway to track down two million dollars that have gone missing...
Chased Through Norway: Or Two Million Dollars Missing is a novel written by James Otis and published in 1899. The story follows the adventures of two American boys, Jack and Joe, who find themselves in the middle of a mystery involving a missing two million dollars. The boys...
Chased Through Norway: Or Two Million Dollars Missing (1899) by James Otis is a thrilling adventure novel that follows the story of two young American brothers, Jack and Joe Hazard, who are sent to Norway to investigate the disappearance of two million dollars. The boys' father,...