Winner of the Living Now Awards 2013, International Latino Book Awards 2013 and Moonbeam Children Books Awards 2013. There is a door in every one of us that leads to our imagination, a world where anything is possible. Dou you dare to embark on the most wonderful journey to our inner-self?
One day when I was reading my story, I breathed in one of the words and something magical happened... I entered my imagination!
We have always been told about the power of imagination, but what is imagination? How does it work? There is a magical place where you can always be yourself. In there you can turn on your light and illuminate your life with it. That place is your imagination. Your imagination has a life and a voice of its own. It is like a voice that speaks inside of you and paints everything around you with vivid colors.
Within your imagination you are the king or queen of your creation. Open the door and discover how that place where we can always be ourselves is like and how does it work. And within your imagination ... what is there?
Our newest survey with OnePoll asked 2,000 U.S. parents and their kids about their reading habits, popular and classic books, and summer reading assignments. The story we uncovered offered a few surprises.
From Taylor Swift's world domination to Barbenheimer, it's been a year of big stories. As a fun twist on the New Year's tradition of a retrospective on the events of the previous twelve months, we have gathered a collection of ten classic books that sum up 2023.
It's always fun to see our favorite books on the screen. But sometimes, the best literature gets adapted before we've had the chance to read it. Here are thirteen new or upcoming book-to-screen adaptations. Order your copy of the source material so you can read before you watch.
ThriftBooks, through our ThriftBooks Cares program, has always prioritized donating books into communities across the country. Today, Giving Tuesday, is a day where we more publicly share our community involvement and impact and allow all of our customers to be a part of it as well.
Join us in celebrating the life and work of Roald Dahl, born on September 13, 1916. When he passed away in 1990 at the age of 74, he left behind a rich legacy in his timeless, fantastical tales for children. Here we share his eight rules for creating scrumdiddlyumptious stories.