This beautiful little book is deceptively slim yet bursting with wisdom, original prayers, advice and the encouragement of one who knows. Donna, a writer and mother of five, also seems to have peeked into my life. How does she know what a transforming vocation motherhood has been for me? In a reflection entitled "A Glimpse into the Future" she writes: If a woman could get a glimpse at What her world would be When she becomes...
A mother's daily list of "to do" items is seemingly endless, but there is one essential item that should top the others when a mother prioritizes her day: making time for prayer. To this end, author and mother of five Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle has given both a gift and a "secret weapon" to mothers of every age with her new Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers (Our Sunday Visitor, September 2005, hardcover, 64 pages). In...
As mothers, it is often hard to find time to pray, yet prayer is so essential to our lives. Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, a mother of five children, understands this and wrote "Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers" as a way to help meet that challenge. The first thing that strikes you when you meet this book is its size and design. It is small, meant to tuck neatly into a purse or diaper bag, an on-the-go reminder that God...
Thank you for giving me a book small enough to fit in my purse. I love to read it in thos seconds that I am waiting in the car between car pools. It is inspirational and draws me closer to Our Lord with each turn of the page. It is practical in that it shows me how to make everyday tasks into opportunities for grace. Spiritual Communion, Patience and Prayer in the Laundry Room are among my favorites! Please continue to...
With several situations that were on my plate and being the holiday season with all the hussle and bussle. I decided to take time out of my hectic schedule to visit the blessed sacrament at my local Adoration chapel. I brought along Mom's prayer book by Donna Cooper-Boyle as I thumbed through the inspirational quotes and prayers I found such peace that only is found I believe in Heaven. My situations were lightened as I read...