""Carson of Venus"" is a thrilling science fiction novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, known for its imaginative world-building and captivating adventure. The story follows the daring Earthman Carson Napier as he embarks on a journey to the mysterious planet Venus. Upon arrival, Carson...
Carson Napier, first Earthman to reach Venus, had to keep alert every instant of his stay on that world of mist and mystery. For its lands were unmapped, its inhabitants many, varied, and strange, and he had taken an obligation to restore a native princess to her lost homeland...
Carson Napier, first Earthman to reach Venus, had to keep alert every instant of his stay on that world of mist and mystery. For its lands were unmapped, its inhabitants many, varied, and strange, and he had taken an obligation to restore a native princess to her lost homeland...
Clean pages. Creases on cover.
Carson Napier is the first Earthman to visit Venus, and he has to keep alert every moment of his stay in that world of mist and mystery. For its territory is unmapped, its inhabitants strange and he has undertaken to restore a native princess to her lost homeland. In terrible...
Carson of Venus is the third book in the Venus series (Sometimes called the "Carson Napier of Venus series") by Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was serialized in Argosy in 1938 and published in book form a year later. The novel, which was written close to the outbreak of World War II,...
Carson Napier is the first Earthman to visit Venus, and he has to keep alert every moment of his stay in that world of mist and mystery. For its territory is unmapped, its inhabitants strange and he has undertaken to restore a native princess to her lost homeland. In terrible...
Carson of Venus is the third book in the Venus series (Sometimes called the "Carson Napier of Venus series") by Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was serialized in Argosy in 1938 and published in book form a year later.
Carson of Venus is the third book in the Venus series (Sometimes called the "Carson Napier of Venus series") by Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was serialized in Argosy in 1938 and published in book form a year later.
Carson of Venus is the third book in the Venus series (Sometimes called the "Carson Napier of Venus series") by Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was serialized in Argosy in 1938 and published in book form a year later.The novel, which was written close to the outbreak of World War II,...
Carson Napier is the first Earthman to visit Venus, and he has to keep alert every moment of his stay in that world of mist and mystery. For its territory is unmapped, its inhabitants strange and he has undertaken to restore a native princess to her lost homeland. In terrible...