Very silly books, perfect according to my grandchild. Not just for boys, girls love it, too!
I am six years old. I liked it because it's funny and George and Harold are 2 kids and at the beginning they're always changing this sign! The sign one time said "Pick your own roses," and George and Harold turned it to "Pick our noses!" There's something called flip-o-rama, which makes it look like a cartoon! You see, Captain Underpants in the book, he's usually a teacher, but if he snaps his finger he turns into...
If possible this one is even sillier than the rest! I bought this series for my 7 year old daughter (who enjoys them) but my 2 1/2 year old son adores them! He runs around in his underwear and a red blanket shouting that he is "Captain Underpants". If you love to laugh aloud as you read to your children this is the series for you. For all grownups who were disciplinary challenges in school (and for all that secretly...
I have a 7 year old who is a classic "reluctant reader" but who *begs* (along with his 5 year old brother) to read all 4 Captain Underpants books. An added benefit is the sheer joy of hearing your children belly-laugh over the silly antics of Harold and George :).
Captain Underpants is so hilarious that my husband, my daughter and myself all sit down and read the books together. They are great books for a family laugh! We couldn't wait for the fourth book and read it immediately when it became available. Professor Poopypants is our favorite ... so far! We are so enamored of these little gems that we have invested in the hardback versions in order to add them to our permanent library...