Captain Desmond is a novel written by Maud Diver and published in 1914. The story revolves around the life of the protagonist, Captain Desmond, a British soldier stationed in India during the late 19th century. The novel explores the themes of love, loyalty, duty, and sacrifice.Captain...
Captain Desmond is a novel written by Maud Diver and first published in 1914. The story is set in India during the early 20th century and follows the life of Captain Desmond, a British officer stationed in the country. The novel explores themes of love, duty, and loyalty as Captain...
Captain Desmond is a novel written by Maud Diver and published in 1914. The story revolves around the titular character, Captain Desmond, who is a British officer stationed in India. He falls in love with a young Indian woman named Tara, but their love is forbidden due to the...
Reproduction of the original: Captain Desmond, V.C. by Maud Diver
Maud Diver (born Katherine Helen Maud Marshall; 9 September 1867 - 14 October 1945) was an English author in British India who wrote novels, short stories, biographies and journalistic pieces primarily on Indian topics and Englishmen in India. Maud Diver published her first novel,...