Large-sized journal/logbook is designed for marijuana users to chart the important factors in their cannabis experiences. It features guided pages to document:
strain, cost, place of purchase, type, appearance, concentrations, smells, tastes, impacts, method of consumptionsymptoms relieved/experienced so you can remember what you like and don't like. Section for edibles recipes.Perfect for the medical patient or weed enthusiast who wants to keep a running record of the products they have tried in order to better understand what suits their own particular needs/wants best. With so many strains and more developed daily, it's important to have a record of your favorites and where they were purchased. It's impossible to remember everything.
This logbook/journal is packed with lots of space for note-taking and 50 two-page, guided-entry spreads. Helpful charts for ranking intensity and effects.
Convenient and easy tracking of cannabis consumption.
Buy yours today or as a gift for a friend or patient..