Love is the foundation of this powerful Irish story, set amidst the background of the author's hilarious childhood in the heart of 1970s and 80s working-class Dublin. Spent between two households, her 'Nanny's, ' where she is cared for by her adorable aunt Esther, and her mother's home, a delightful, vibrant, centre of mayhem. Sheila takes us on a madcap adventure from Dublin's Pearse Square to the streets of New York, and wherever she goes, she is surrounded by a cast of exquisite, eccentric, and comical characters. But there is a twist to this story, a realisation, a revelation this child never knew, or noticed.
Through life's triumphs, sorrows and magic, the elevating power of unconditional and enduring love is the source of her strength.
"I could not put this book down I read through the night, I laughed out loud! I sobbed at two in the morning. A memoir of love and hope, a magical read I will treasure!"Sheila Hamilton is a qualified barrister, writer, artist, and ex-lunatic actress with a story to tell and here it is ...Please Leave A Review!Please find the author on social media and send her a picture and review of you with my book! she'd love to hear from you and share it!
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Email h[email protected]