This is a Campervan Maintenance Log Book for anyone that wants to keep track of all the maintenance work and repairs that's done on their vehicles amongst many other things.
This book is perfect for anyone that owns a campervan, motorhome, RV or camper so you can keep track of any work that has been done and any maintenance that needs to be completed. It will also help if you decide to sell your vehicle as you will have a record of all the work that has been carried out with dates and costs.
This Campervan Maintenance Log Book has been designed to be as helpful as possible by providing guidance and space to include the following information:
Inside the front cover is space for owner and vehicle detailsThere is a page dedicated to items that have a serial number and their service intervalsSpace to record all the Spare Parts, part numbers, places to buy and costs that are needed on your individual van.The main part of the book has been designed to list the Maintenance and Repair work that's needed (with space to record 500 jobs over 25 double pages). This allows you to note down a job that needs doing or an issue that needs fixing as soon as you spot it and then go back to when you have the time to complete it. Keep track of the date the job was spotted and recorded, a description of the issue, if it was a repair or maintenance item, when it was completed, who did it and space to record any relevant comments ie Temporary repair done, book in yard to fix / replace item or price of parts etc - whatever will be helpful to you Keep a record of all the jobs that need doing when she is next scheduled for a visit to the garage so you can start getting and recording quotes for the work that needs doing. Space for comments and when the work was completed alsoFuel log pages to keep track of fuel usage, cost and engine hoursAn Upgrades wish list (so you know what to put on your Christmas List )Useful ContactsDrawing Space to draw diagramsNotes PagesThe book is 8 inches by 10 inches, paperback with a glossy cover and good quality paper.
Also available on Amazon within our Campervan/Motorhome/RV/Camper/Caravan series:
Campervan/Motorhome/RV/Caravan Travel JournalRoad Trip Journal