The Sea is a Thief is set on Chincoteague, Virginia during the Civil War. It tells the story of a dangerous courtship between Sam Dreher, a young Union sailor on a gunship sent to protect the island, and Anna Daisey, a Chincoteague girl whose gifts as a wildlife artist are beginning...
The Sea is a Thief is set on Chincoteague, Virginia during the Civil War. It tells the story of a dangerous courtship between Sam Dreher, a young Union sailor on a gunship sent to protect the island, and Anna Daisey, a Chincoteague girl whose gifts as a wildlife artist are beginning...
Called to Question: A Spiritual Memoir is Sr. Joan Chittister's most personal and intense writing to date. Alive with the raw energy of a journal and polished with the skill of a master storyteller, each chapter is an engaging dialogue between Sr. Joan and many different wisdom...
Following a moving prologue on the nature of faith, Called to Question is broken into six parts that explore key themes: the inward life, immersion in life, resistance, feminist spirituality, ecology, dailiness. Alive with the raw energy of a journal and polished with...