This book has everything you need to know about running a call center along with an overview of the main metrics to monitor.
I've been in the call center industry for over 6 years but the content of this book presented a lot of refreshing insights about managing a center. I also like the fact that the book is such an easy read--Brad Cleveland used clear and concise vocabulary in explaining Workforce Management even to the most novice call center employee. Great, great book--one that I'll keep for as long as I am in the industry.
I've generally been an IT Director and Project Manager, so I read this book to get a better idea of my customers' needs. I was pretty excited to discover that there's at least one good summary of what call centers do and how they do it. For my own sake--and perhaps yours--here's my summary of Brad and Julia's summary:1. Incoming call center management is the art of having the right number of skilled people and supporting...
When call center managers ask me which book will give the most insight into forecasting, scheduling and inbound call management, I tell them to read this one before any other. This book is by far the best in its class.
I am a Sales Support Engineer and interface with many call center environments as part of my job. Call Center Management on Fast Forward works for three basic reasons. 1) The authors know what information is relevant to the discussion of call center management. 2) The authors know how to communicate this information. 3) The authors approach the subject at a level of depth and detail that makes you feel like you have taken...