This book is excellent.It is immediately obvious that the author understands his subject well AND can communicate his understanding clearly.It takes a traditionally feared subject and makes it clear and easy to understand. I strongly recommend this book. I am currently using it to teach my grade 11 son calculus. He finds it far clearer and easier to understand than his school calculus textbook. .
Contrary to what some reviewers have written, I feel that Stewart's Calculus book is easily the best textbook I have encountered so far in college. In my opinion, the best indication of a textbook's worth is having to learn the material solely through the text, instead in addition to a lecturer; this book passed that test with flying colors.Of course I had calculus lecturers, but every one of them was horrible. For Calc...
I was one of the pre-publication reviewers for the second edition of this book. I have not been shy about telling a publisher that their book stinks if that's my opinion. But the Stewart book was then, and remains now, IMHO, the best introductory calculus text available. Please note that the majority of negative reviews came from people who have seen exactly one calculus book, and they clearly don't like calculus! But...
This is an excellent calculus text. It is, in fact, one of the best texts I have ever used. The explanations are perfectly clear and concise; the examples extensive and relevant. The exercises cover the material beautifully, and are great practice for exams.One reviewer below complains that the text does not cover any analysis. This is true, but is hardly a serious flaw. If you are looking for coverage of analysis, look...
This book is perfect for anybody who wants to learn calculus from scratch. Especially if you are the kind of person who definately requires proofs for everything before you believe in it. It includes lots of rigourous and clear proofs for almost all the theorems. There are only a very few theorems not proven in here, which you will have to find in a more advanced book.It also makes an amazing reference book whenever...