In Building Spelling Skills Daily Practice, Grade 5, students will learn 18 spelling words per week (540 total). Three sentences for dictation are provided for each list.
Spelling lists include the following:
contractions blends vowel sounds prefixes and suffixes compound words words with silent letters easily confused spellings multisyllable words irregular pluralsPractice pages include the following:
a spelling list with spaces to read, write, and spell each word word meaning (filling in missing spelling words in sentences, crossword puzzles, synonyms/antonyms) exercises with phonetic elements and other types of word study editing for spellingReproducible forms include:
spelling record form individual spelling record spelling test form spelling list form word sort form parent letterThis resource contains teacher support pages, reproducible student pages, and an answer key. This is a reproducible resource (photocopying of lessons is permitted) for single classroom or individual home use only.
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