Here is what this workbook is going to help you to do, it's going to teach you how to start over after leaving an unhealthy marriage or relationship. It's going to give you the strength, encouragement and empowerment to live again while picking up the broken pieces. It will also help you to work through being bitter, angry, hurt, broken or feeling a sense of shame from being in a dysfunctional or unhealthy relationship or marriage.
This workbook will give you the confidence and reassurance that is needed to start over so that you can become a healthier and whole person again. This workbook is designed to take you from blaming to doing the necessary work that is needed so that you can heal with the proper self-trust, self-esteem and self-assurance needed to explore the greatness that lives inside of you. It will teach you how to be restored while you are learning, growing, healing and being rebuilt into a better version of you.
It will also teach you how to take one day at a time and one step at a time. This workbook will teach you to identify the red flags and the toxicity of being in an unhealthy relationship or marriage. This workbook will assist with helping you to work through your own personal imperfections and flaws as you work the process. By the end of this workbook you will have experienced a healthier way of starting over after a divorce or unhealthy relationship.