If you are a director or an actor and wish to develop a character, this is a time tested tome to learn from. The Stanislavski methods are tried and true!
This book is very resourceful and informative. It teaches you the true method of the acting craft.
I thought I knew what I was doing on the stage. I knew my lines, I didn't bump into the furniture, what else is there to know? Borrowed this book from a friend and it completely transformed me and everything I thought I knew about acting. Turns out I only thought I knew what I was doing.
This book is the second in Stanislavski's series. Deals with the "external aspects" of the System. A great read, in spite of the poor translation; this book (and the entire series) completely transformed my acting almost overnight, as if a fog had lifted from my eyes. This book/series helped me understand, fundamentally, what I should be DOING onstage. I received numerous compliments on the next role I played after reading...
This book is acting in biblical proportions and is a must for all serious actors!