"Featuring unreported details and stunning revelations, the long-awaited follow-up to ... Diana's Boys explores the last 20 years in the lives of Princes William and Harry and the evolution of their relationship as adults, with one brother the designated heir, and the other doomed...
The long-awaited follow-up to the "fabulous, addictive" (Chicago Sun-Times) New York Times bestseller Diana's Boys explores the last twenty years in the lives of Princes William and Harry and the evolution of their relationship as adults, with one brother...
This long-awaited follow-up to the "fabulous, addictive" (Chicago Sun-Times) New York Times bestseller Diana's Boys explores the last twenty years in the lives of Princes William and Harry and the evolution of their relationship as adults, with...
Diana's Boys revealed the powerful bond between the teenaged princes, and how it strengthened even more in the wake of their mother's tragic death. Now, twenty years later, Queen Elizabeth II is in her mid-nineties, Prince Charles is in his seventies, and all eyes are...