Tom and Jamie have their whole future planned out. Their days look all rainbows and sunshine until Tom breaks their date. Jamie decides to go to the mall with her best friend Ann-Marie, and they're having the time of their life until Jamie sees a teenage boy rob the owner of Diamond Ranch. For some reason, the boy looks similar to her boyfriend Tom. After Jamie leaves the shop, Tom begins to act strange. Between Tom's bizarre...
I personally think that Broken Date is a story that's mysterious and interesting at the same time. But does Jamie's boyfriend really want to kill her? Or is it just a BIG mistake? It really captures a reader when they read one of Stine's books.How do you do it Stine? How does it get so interesting? Your stories sounds so easy to come up with, but I think it still kind of hard. Is it Stine? I read alot of your books and they...
Jamie and Tom have been together for a long time. But Jamie's heart gets broken when Tom doesn't show up for a date. Jamie calls and calls but he never picksup,so she called her best friend Ann-Marie. Then Ann-Marie said how about we go to the mall to relax your mind.And Jamie said OK. When they got to the mall Ann-Marie saw some pink Reeboks for half off. Jamie didn't like the color of the shoes,so she told Ann-Marie...
I thought that this book was very good! There was a lot of suspence and the ending really surprised me!!!
If you like books with alot of twists and turns,this is it!It's about two couples,Jamie and Tom,who have been going out since junior high.But then,Tom breaks a date.Then Jamie goes to the mall and thinks she saw Tom robbing a jewelry store!After that,the stalking and terrible phone calls begin and Tom starts to act really weird. You think you know who the stalker is,but think again!