This well known novella by Stefan Zweig was made into a film in 1933 directed by Robert Siodmak and remade in 1988 by Director Andrew Birkin. Stefan Zweig was an Austrian novelist, playwright, journalist and biographer. In the 1920s and 1930s, he was at the height of his literary...
Brennendes Geheimnis - Erz hlung ist ein unver nderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ern hrung, Medizin und weiteren...
He was at that decisive age in which a woman begins to regret the fact of having remained faithful to a husband whom she has never wanted after all, and in which the purple twilight of her beauty grants her one last and urgent choice between maternal and feminine. Life, to which...
"Brennendes Geheimnis" from Stefan Zweig. osterreichischen Schriftsteller, Journalist und Biograf (1881-1942)."
Burning Secret (Brennendes Geheimnis) is a darkly compelling coming-of-age story-a tale of seduction, jealousy and betrayal from the master of the novella, Stefan ZweigA suave baron takes a fancy to twelve-year-old Edgar's mother, while the three are holidaying in an Austrian...
The Burning Secret is a novella by an Austrian novelist, poet, playwright and journalist Stefan Zweig.This book describes worries of a growing-up boy. His thoughts that one should be cautious and thoughtful towards other children, that the lies which adults say to children are...
Is set in an Austrian sanatorium in the 1920's. A lonely twelve-year-old boy is befriended and becomes infatuated by a suave and mysterious baron who heartlessly brushes him aside to turn his seductive attentions to the boy's mother. Stefan Zweig,...
Is set in an Austrian sanatorium in the 1920's. A lonely twelve-year-old boy is befriended and becomes infatuated by a suave and mysterious baron who heartlessly brushes him aside to turn his seductive attentions to the boy's mother. Stefan Zweig,...
Die Lokomotive schrie heiser auf: der Semmering war erreicht. Eine Minute rasteten die schwarzen Wagen im silbrigen Licht der H he, warfen paar bunte Menschen aus, schluckten andere ein, Stimmen gingen ge rgert hin und her, dann schrie vorne wieder die heisere Maschine und ri...