I saw Dan Allender speak at one of Willow Creek Church's conferences in 2005. God has gifted him well - Dan is an excellent teacher. I love his style, so I bought this book. I bought this book months before I started reading it. I had prayed for help in loving people - something I was struggling with. I bought it because of a few of the things it says on the cover - "Know the difference between loving an evil person, a...
I read this book probably 7 or 8 years ago and still find myself going back to the principles taught therein. It has shaped the way I relate to myself and others (currently it is helping me relate lovingly to my 12 year old foster son who has major behavior issues). And I still recommend it and use its priciples when talking to friends who are going through major life problems (divorce, marital infidelity, rebellious kids,...
Most of the first 100 pages were very slow plowing with some difficulty in accepting certain parts of the premise and groundwork. They turn out to be helpful in establishing those precepts for the last 200 plus pages which were pure pith and wore out a highlighter. This is not a be-all, end-all resolution. It is, however, a vital portion of any Christians toolbox. Knowing the enemy and approaches to deal with various...