I strongly recommend this workbook for anybody struggling with an eating disorder, especially good for working with in therapy.
My daughter has an eating disorder and she is enjoying the work book to polish up on her coping skills.
This is really a great book. If you don't like the way you look,have self-esteem issues, fears, or depression (all these may be caused by a poor body image), read this book. Thomas Cash teaches you step by step how to overcome this crippling illusion and discover the beautiful person you are meant to be. I would highly recommend this book.
I never thought that I would try using something like this workbook, but I'm glad that I purchased it. It's an easy book to read and understand and the exercises have been very helpful so far. It isn't for JUST people with weight issues, but people who are dissatisfied with their facial features, thinning hair, height, etc. Highly recommended for anyone with problems with any physical features.
I found this book to be one of the most helpful books I've read on overcoming body image issues. Everyone has body image issues to some extent. Others, like me, could have received many advanced degrees and done great things in the world had they successfully channeled bad body thoughts into something productive; like accepting oneself and learning to honor the body (and genetics) given to you. This book walks readers through...