My boys love all the pigeon books. It's a great story with great illustrations. Funny too. They request the pigeon books at least every other night.
I have a 3 year old and 5 year old who love the books of Mo Willems. Recently the 5 year old took this book to school as his 'show and tell' in order to read it to his class. It was a huge success! We started our Mo Willems collection with 'Don't let the Pidgeon drive the Bus', we've added 'the Pidgeon finds a Hotdog' and 'Don't let the Pidgeon stay up late' and just recently added this book and 'the pidgeon has feeling too'...
Our first Mo Willems book was Knuffle Bunny and we were hooked. We've sinced bought 4 more of his books including The Pigeon Loves Things That Go! They're all great. Our kids love them and for kids books they're pretty darn amusing for adults too. Good stuff!
My grandson Max and I love Mo Willems books. I think our favorites are "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" which was the first one we bought and then next would be "The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog" then this one.
Very clever, short book with a smart punchline and great little drawings. It may not be the full 'pigeon' experience, but my six month old adores it! and we like reading it to him too - it's easy to put lots of expression into it. It's a board book - it's meant to be short!