Backwater Ben By William Durbin 230 pages Book review by Eddie macari Have you ever wondered how much cooks have to feed lumberjacks in the 1900's? Well a lot. Ben a 16-year-old boys father is a cook for a lumberjack camp and Ben has to work twice as much for hid dad because they just fired their skipper. Until Nevers comes into the story and he is fast as cheetah at peeling potatoes and cleaning up. So now Ben...
This book is a wonderful historical fiction about a boy going to work with his father and getting out of school, every kids dream of course. I read it over the summer and finished it in three days it was so good!
For Ben, being able to get out of going to school is like a dream come true. School was such a waste of time after all, and now, at last, he can be with his father and work in a logging camp. It was hard to leave Mrs. Wilson. She had taken care of him since his mother died and they were close friends. Still, he was now almost grown up and ready for a change.What Ben wasn't ready for was the work itself. It was grueling. He...