I am a first time mom and all of my son's friends are a few months younger than him. So, basically we have not have much guideance in planning birthday parties (my husband and I only have our memories and our families' memories to go on). I am reading this book for the first time as I plan his 4th birthday party. I knew many of the things discussed in the book but I learned new tips and advice. The book had guildelines...
My son just turned 9 and I have been using this book for ideas for most of those years. Every birthday I pull it out and I always seem to find a few new ideas in there that I didn't notice the previous year! It includes party activity ideas such as a no-cook play dough recipe, instructions for making pop-up puppets and "moon rocks", and fun ideas like cooking cupcakes in ice cream cones, and playing "spin the bottle" to...
Of all the "Birthday" books I borrowed from the Library I found this one the best if you are planning a toddler birthday! I will definately be purchasing my own copy.
I found Lansky's book to be a common-sense guideline for what young children might find enjoyable. It also, aptly, advises keeping parties for younger kids short and simple. I appreciated her inclusion of cake recipes for special dietary needs. The book is very helpful for young, busy parents who need to organize and stay focused to pull off an extra special event.
i loved the idea