Go Birding with Indiana's Best-Selling Bird Guide!
Learn to identify birds in Indiana, and make bird-watching even more enjoyable. With Stan Tekiela's famous field guide, bird identification is simple and informative. There's no need to look through dozens of photos of birds that don't live in your area. This book features 112 species of Indiana birds organized by color for ease of use. Do you see a yellow bird and don't know what it is? Go to the yellow section to find out.
Book Features:
112 species: Only Indiana birds Simple color guide: See a yellow bird? Go to the yellow section Compare feature: Decide between look-alikes Stan's Notes: Naturalist tidbits and facts Professional photos: Crisp, stunning full-page images
This field guide includes the most common and important species to know, professional photographs and range maps, relevant information, and plenty of Stan's expert insights. So grab Birds of Indiana Field Guide for your next birding adventure--to help ensure that you positively identify the birds that you see.