This book takes us through the facts that underlie bipolar disorder, what it is and the various ways through which one can cope with this mental illness. More interestingly is the great inspiring stories from members of my support team, offering you their real life's experiences and the manner in which they have been successful in coping with the illness. So what are you waiting for? Read on and discover much more about this illness and how you can change your condition or that of your loved ones.
Here is what you'll learn...
- What is bipolar disorder, aka manic depression?
- Sharing daily responsibilities
- Compromising and balancing your spouse's needs with your own
- Taking accountability
- Removing the expectations
- Taking care of yourself first
- And much, much more!
In this book, i provide my own perspective of daily life in a bipolar relationship, and i also do my best to describe my spouse's perspective as well. By taking both sides into consideration, i convey the ways that two people can be successful in a relationship while coping with a mental illness such as bipolar disorder.