Great book covering glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.
This little book explains what was known when it was written (1971) about how energy can be stored in molecules like glucose and adenosine triphosphate (ATP, the universal energy carrying molecule in living cells) and released again later to power those processes in the cell that require energy input in order to proceed. The author was one of the leaders in research in understanding the thermodynamics of biochemical reactions...
First book I found on the subject. I even didn't know Bioenergetics per se before I found this book. Gosh, I just can not believe how much I learned from this book. It has given the definitive base for my concepion of the Universe. It is as readable and enjoyable as a novel or any kind of literature. I think it has influenced me more as a human being than as a Chemistry student. As also an Anthropology student, I found...