From outlaw biker and bodyguard for Evel Knievel to sailing on the Flagship for Green Peace that had no engine and used kerosene running lights. Experience a hurricane in Cabo San Lucas where 27 boats went up on the beach. Then sail across the pacific with nothing but a sextant, make an 800 mile error and then end up arriving as a volcano is erupting! By the author and creator of Latitudes & Attitudes, Cruising Outpost, Biker Lifestyle and Tattoo Magazines. This is Bob's 8th book, and it's all, true (well, how he remembers it anyway!) Sail thru miles of man o war jellyfish, and then see what happens when you wrap a fishing net on your prop in 40 water! See why a man had to be tied to the mast entering San Francisco Bay, and see how to move from boat to boat, until ending up with that just right boat. Includes BB's 10 Rules for Happy Cruising. See how to stop dreaming your life, and start living your dreams!