I loved the book Bigfoot Doesn't Square Dance. It was a real adventure. If you do a bookreport in 3rd grade I`d consider this book. Bigfoot pretends to be a camp counselor, but when a real camp counselor comes he hightails it out of there.
There are some weird grownups in Bailey City. But could the very large hairy man with huge feet really be legendary Bigfoot? THE BAILEY SCHOOL ARE GOING TO FIND OUT!
I liked when everyone started square dancing on the stage. It was really funny. Ranger Lily was my favorite character because she kept disappearing whenever Bigfoot came to the class. The Bailey School Kid books are the best series of books I have ever read. Jonny, age 7
This book was a good adventure. I liked when Liza got a bug on her shoe. It was funny. Lauren age 8