For anyone who seeks a fair introduction to one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century, Osho, this is the place to begin. Osho never really wrote his biography. This book is a collection of his lectures on different subjects that he addressed to over the course of time. It adheres to the values of eastern spirituality since Osho was highly influenced by the teachings of Gautama Buddha. He had a flair for simplifying...
I just knew he had some crazy meditation techniques was a bit of a rogue, had 93 rolls royces, accepted sex and i had a few friends who recommended him. Wow, blown away, this is one of the most beautiful books i've ever read! Osho's integrity shines through and yes he is a dangerous man because he's not concerned about beliefs but the truth. And he challenges you deeply, i was a buddhist monk for 3 years and he takes traditions...
This is a cool book I would also recommend the book An encounter With a Prophet
Here is the story of a man who singlehandedly exposed the lies being forced on humanity, while shining new light on the wisdom books of the past. His life work of synthesizing Science and Religion, Body and Mind, Zorba and Buddha, etc., has once and for all freed the individual to Love themself in totality NOW, completely free of fleeting outside approval. There are many intimate glimpses into Osho the man which help...
Of Indian mystics, after Paramhansa Yoganand's Autobiography ofa Yogi, Osho's autobiography stands apart from the convention. Theuniquness of this book is that it is not written by Osho. It is TALKEDby Osho to his intimate pupils and is recorded by them thereafter. And therefore, it provides a freshness in the story. The book reveals many secrets of the life of Osho which I have not found in any of his books. It also details...