Lili St. Crow has done it again! With her latest installment of the Strange Angels Series, St. Crow amps up the action and adventure with Betrayals. Now that Drew is finally at this top secret school, not only is she the only girl in the whole place but there is someone trying to kill her. With the help of her friend, Grave, Drew will try to figure out who is behind wanting her dead. But that's not all, Drew's growing up...
Rare damphir girl gets put in an all boy school with her cute werewulf bf (who's not really her bf yet) and someone's trying to kill her. You should definitely do Strange Angels first. BTW I'm not YA but, sadly, i read their books all the time. I was reluctant to start this series because i just assumed it was another Vampire Academy. I suppose in some ways it is, only this one doesn't suck (i have a particular aversion...
The story picks up from where Strange Angels left off - with Dru and Grave getting whisked off to a "supposedly" safe-haven Schola. But there's a traitor in the midst, waiting for their chance to kill Dru. The book's filled with angst, action, and, without a doubt, secrets - which undoubtedly leads to betrayal. In Betrayals, all the different sides of our favorite main characters are revealed. There's more to Dru than that...
Like one of the other reviewers, I was looking forward to Betrayals with equal measures of anticipation and apprehension; I loved Strange Angels so much and I was afraid that Betrayals would be a letdown (like in a number of other urban fantasy series that I know). But I needn't have worried, because Lili St. Crow delivers another wonderful book! Slightly different from the first one and somewhat slower, but the world of the...
This book is love. I absolutely loved Strange Angels, and was a little worried about Betrayals living up to my expectations. There was no issue there, Lili St. Crow wrote another fantastic novel! Betrayals picks up where Dru story's ended with Strange Angels and sweeps you right back into her world with a fast paced story jam packed with action, mystery, secrets, and tension. I continue to be impressed with Lili St. Crows...