From the trader who introduced candlesticks to the West, aguide to understanding and getting the most out of those powerfulanalytical tools
The popularity of Japanese candlesticks has exploded over thepast two decades. So, too, have the ranks of self-styled expertshawking pricey books and seminars offering to unlock the secrets ofcandlesticks. But as many hapless consumers have discovered, manyof those "experts" either possess a fundamentallyflawed understanding of candlesticks, or are no better than snakeoil salesmen. Is there an unimpeachable source traders can turn towith complete confidence for reliable information and guidance onthis powerful analytical tool? Yes, Steve Nison, the man whointroduced candlestick charting to the West and who has spentdecades testing and perfecting candlestick charting techniques andtrading strategies. In this book Steve shares everything he knowsabout candlesticks for beginners and seasoned traders alike.
Provides crystal-clear and concise explanations of howcandlesticks work and why they are so effective for finding tradeswith huge potentialCombines Nison's extensive research--includingtranslations of ancient Japanese texts--with his decades ofreal-world experience to show how to apply candlesticks totoday's marketsFeatures numerous examples and "quiz charts" thattest your knowledge, along with online access to resources to helpyou hone your knowledge and mastery of these powerful tools Details strategies for combining candlesticks with other toolsto spot big moves and find optimal entries and exits Offers expert advice on how to avoid costly candlesticksmistakes that even seasoned traders can make